The most important trends of Web3.0 for SEOs

Web3.0 is no longer just a buzzword, it is the future of the Internet. In addition to websites with complex functions and new possibilities, there are also many innovations in search engine optimization. Which Google updates need to be taken into account as part of Web3.0 and what benefits this entails SEO-agencies changes, we have summarized it for you.

What is Web3?

The 3rd generation of the Internet is characterized by several trends that all intertwine. The key difference between Web2.0 and Web3.0 is that the data is much more private and restricted as it is controlled not only by the tech industry but also by governments and international corporations with political agendas. Unlike previous generations of the Web, where people could choose what they wanted to see and information was freely available on the Internet, there are some powers that are seeking more control over the data on the Internet and people.

What advantages does Web3.0 offer us?

Web3.0 represents the third revolution, the online world and the Internet of today. Completely new technologies such as BigData, Artificial intelligence or blockchain not only make it easier for marketers to reduce costs but also solve difficult tasks with more efficiency.

Why is Web3 important?

Web3.0 is not just a buzzword. It is the future of the Internet and search engine optimization. Web technologies will revolutionize our everyday lives, so be ready for it Artificial intelligence, Blockchain or Google’s new search algorithm – RankBrain. Web3.0 is a central part of future user experiences because it creates new business models and offers new revenues. The evolution of the Internet, telecommunications and IT is referred to as Web 3.0. This means that, in addition to creating non-linear experiences (real-time streaming), this also includes opportunities to establish contact with people via digital solutions.

Overtaken by Web3!

Let's just assume that the world is becoming increasingly connected and people are using more and more technology. This means that Web3 – the third version of Internet technology, also known as Web 3.0 – is definitely coming.

Of course, it's not as if everything will be better or the same. Web 3.0 brings with it new dangers, such as the danger of total surveillance. Although people will be connected to the Internet, users will not have control over the data. This is a completely different development. But there is certainly no end in sight for the Internet or its technological development.

Web3 the Google Killer?

If you have a new product, such as GoogleIf you want to sell, it's usually easiest to beat the competition. It looks similar with Web3. Many SEOs believe that Web3 is the biggest threat to Google could be. Web3 is the network with which blockchain technology is implemented. In addition to Bitcoin and Ethereum, a typical Web3 service is cryptocurrency management. The idea behind Web3 can be expressed something like this: A world in which all transactions are on a public one Database are stored and no one knows who is behind which address. But that's not all: As part of Web3, there are plans to develop appropriate software solutions to anonymize all data and transactions. The services used today allow one to surf anonymously, but once transactions take place, it is in reality impossible not to reveal the subject of a transaction.

Will search engines become obsolete with Web3.0?

Web3.0 is actually a Concept, which looks at the development of networks and keeps pace with technical progress. So it looks beyond what already exists and looks for possibilities for the future. The SEOs have to decide whether they want to participate in this development or not - Web3.0 can help search engines obsolete as it offers a world of communication without search engines.

What advantages does Web3.0 offer us?

There is no doubt that the digital world is becoming increasingly complex. The trend is towards innovation. Web 3.0 allows you to stay up to date and decide which developments might be most useful to you. The advantages of Web3.0 lie in the new technologies that allow data to be collected and analyzed much more quickly. The new distribution of data and information over the Internet allows companies to save costs and run better marketing campaigns.

What are the benefits of the new technologies of Web3.0? SEOs?

Web 3.0 offers a number of new possibilities for SEOs. The technologies that are now arriving in most browser versions, such as IndexedDB or LocalStorage, give SEOs finally the possibility to take data protection and privacy aspects into account. The primary goal of Web3.0 is to create a free network that puts official and commercial data monopolies aside. In this process, user control and privacy are also promoted. The world of the Internet is made so transparent that everyone always knows what the source of their information is.

Who SEOs should deal with Web 3.0

There are two main themes that SEOs in the next few years concern: mobile-first strategies and Content Curation. Most people who deal with Web 3.0 assume that a new concept needs to be developed to adapt to the needs of users. Therefore appear mobile optimized pages and content creators as good starting points for SEOs.

Why Web 3.0? SEOs makes life difficult

Making the most important trends from Web3.0 SEOs not necessarily happy, as they force them to face changed tasks and learn new techniques. Cloud Computing and big data make the Internet more powerful than ever before. New technologies open up completely new possibilities when it comes to accessing information. The more complex structures of Web3.0, such as blockchain technologies, mean that it becomes more difficult to maintain a solid status in the search engine to reach. The original standards and laws of Web 2.0 are used less and less to consolidate status. In addition, the availability of data from the cloud and other sources is for SEOs been reduced.

Content Marketing & Social Media

Most people start their day by reading news, where the main source of information is text. This means that content Marketing is a great way to get your business noticed. For years it has been going on in the SEO-Circle about content Marketing discussed. The 1980s gave the term its current sound. At that time, attempts were made with qualitative content such as texts worth reading, pictures and videos to make the website better known. Nevertheless, there are some things that have changed as a result of Web3.0 - or rather, what SEOs should pay attention.

Algorithms that are evaluated according to a user's actual needs are not only related to SEOs of interest. Algorithm-based searches allow users to find what they are looking for without even needing the help of a search engine expert. Algorithms are increasingly moving into the categories of science, statistics and mathematics, while semantic search looks for the context that we humans can visually recognize. Algorithms can, for example, use such images and browse videos that fit a specific topic. Semantic scanning works via metadata such as title, description and tags.

Internal link structure and user experience

The internal link structure is one of the most important tools to improve the user experience. By using document metadata in HTML5 you can Structuring links. Internal links should also be about the topic Article Go out and show the structure of your network. It is also necessary to have the users Improve your experience – this is how you do something good for Google.

Web 3.0 is above all a future trend that includes completely new technologies that will change our everyday lives. There are no longer clear boundaries between private and professional life or between people and machines. Everything is connected and everything is possible.

These four trends make a visit to Web 3.0 unavoidable: smart devices, web of things, artificial intelligence, blockchain. The trend towards networked devices: Many websites and web applications now rely on connections to other devices. This means you can not only access local information on a smartphone, but also automatically collect data in the form of sensor data.

AI programming: many of the newly developed programs for Internet use are now intelligent. This means that the programmers don't give me any special instructions

The most important trend: artificial intelligence

The artificial intelligence is a crucial trend, who not only SEOs interested. It will influence large areas of our lives in the near future. Google broker Ray Kurzweil predicts that today's software systems will surpass human thinking in 20 years. Artificial intelligence is also used in search engine optimization. The development of artificial intelligence is the most important trend of Web3.0 and has a decisive impact on the Optimization of search engine marketing. Everyone's goal SEOs is to be the first to find digital goods or services for your customers. To achieve this goal, one must recognize Google's steps and take all appropriate measures. Artificial intelligence is the most important trend of Web3.0. AI is getting better and better and will have a big impact in the future SEOs. She can write texts for websites, copy content, moderate and much more. This technology is versatile and is being used worldwide.

Connected world

Web3.0 refers to a networked world in which people, devices, sensors and data are completely connected to one another. The new technologies will be crucial here. More specifically, it is the various technologies in this area that are intended to help get a better overview of our environment. Because more and more things are being networked online and therefore becoming more usable for us. It is also a trend that will permanently change the nature of our relationships with people and information. This is very positive for SEOs because there will be crucial changes in technology. The technical changes on the Internet allow us to analyze, structure and analyze a variety of data on the web. This capability requires completely new approaches - existing technologies (e.g. database programs) will no longer be sufficient.

Tool tip for Web3

Another one tool Among the top tools of Web3.0 is the usable search engine technology Rankbrain. This system is able to track users' clicks on websites and automatically respond to repeat requests that are detected. For example, it provides an index of possibilities according to desired searches based on previous click behavior.

Internet Marketing & Web3

When analyzing Web 3.0 trends that are relevant for SEOs are important, Internet marketing in particular should be examined. The new generation of Internet users growing up with Web 3.0 expects much more than just traditional Marketing and therefore online marketing less relevant for this target group. However, there are still a number of opportunities for those who are able to adapt to the latest technologies so that they can harness them for their own purposes. The new world of the Internet is simply no longer alone with traditional ones Marketing strategies to explain. Where should you start? Maybe with internet marketing, which is slowly but surely getting old. The reasons for this lie in the growing independence from computers (mobile phones) as well as the exponential growth in data volume, which challenges the search engine optimization process, especially as the attention span on the web is continually decreasing.

Web3 and Rankbrain

Google privy to the changes needed to allow Web3 and Rankbrain to work together. This means that if you prepare your website for these two trends, you will be prepared for the future. The first websites to rank in this way have already achieved considerable success. Web3 is the third generation of the Internet, which is based on blockchain technology. Rankbrain is an algorithm from Google that has been used since October 2015 and functions as part of the Hummingbird update. Web3.0 is the next phase of the development of the Internet, which is based on blockchain and machine learning technologies. In this Web3.0 there will be search engines like Rankbrain take over to personalize the search results. This means that search engines will reduce human influence because they will try to provide the most personalized results for a user based on algorithms. important!

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Jan Domke

Prompt Engineer | Social Media Manager | Hosting Manager | Web administrator

I have been running the online magazine privately since the end of 2021 SEO4Business and thus turned my job into a hobby.
I have been working as a since 2019 Senior Hosting Manager, at one of the largest internet and marketing agencies in Germany and am constantly expanding my horizons.

Jan Domke