Tips and tricks for effective debugging in JavaScript

Tips and tricks for effective debugging in JavaScript! The debugging of -- is an indispensable step in the development process to find and fix errors. In this Article We will introduce various techniques and tools that will help you debug your JavaScript applications more easily.

Debugging in JavaScript can be challenging, but with the right knowledge and Tools you can quickly identify and correct potential problems. We'll look at different ways you can use browser development tools to analyze your code and set up breakpoints. We'll also show you how to use logging for troubleshooting and how to check variable values ​​during execution.

But that's not all! We'll also learn some best practices for effective debugging as well as common ones Identify errors and solutions find for it. And of course we also give you tips on how to efficiently find errors in your JavaScript code.

So stay tuned! In this blog post you will learn everything you need to know about debugging in JavaScript - so that your code runs error-free!

Overview of debugging techniques

Introduction to debugging in JavaScript
Debugging code is an essential part of the development process in order to Error to find and fix. Debugging involves running the code step by step and identifying potential problems or bugs. There are various techniques and tools that can help you with this.

Use browser development tools

Browser development tools are an essential tool for every JavaScript developer. They provide many features that can help us find errors and debug them effectively. One of the best-known development tools is Chrome Developer Tools.

With the Chrome Developer Tools we can examine the code in real time and make changes. We may also monitor network activity to identify performance issues. It also provides a powerful JavaScript console for testing code snippets and displaying errors.
To open the development tools in Chrome, right-click one Website and select »Investigate« from the context menu or simply press the keyboard shortcut »Ctrl + Shift + I«. This opens the developer tools window at the bottom of the browser.
In the development tools there are different tabs like »Elements«,»Sideboard«,»Sources« etc., which represent different aspects of our Website analyze. Among other things, the tab allows us »Elements« checking and editing HTML documents.
A particularly useful function when debugging is setting breakpoints in the source code. By setting a breakpoint, we can pause the code and step through it line by line to detect potential errors or check variable values ​​during execution.

In addition to this you can also Try-catch block Use to catch errors and respond appropriately. This helps us handle exceptions and prevent bugs.

Use logging for troubleshooting

Logging is one of the most effective techniques for finding and fixing errors in JavaScript. By adding log messages you can Developer track the progress of a program and identify potential problems.

Essentially, logging consists of outputting information about the current state of the code. This can be done using the Console in the browser development tool. By placing targeted log messages at specific locations in the code, one can determine whether the expected values ​​are being calculated or assigned correctly.
There are different methods for logging in JavaScript. An easy way is to use the Console.log() function. This function accepts any number of arguments and prints them as text to the console. This allows you to log variable values, objects or even specific messages.
Another useful one tool for debugging with logging is the console.table() function. This feature allows you to display complex data structures such as arrays or objects in a table, increasing readability and allowing you to quickly check for errors.
However, logging for troubleshooting also has its limitations. It should not be used as the only method to find and fix errors. Instead, combine it with other debugging techniques such as setting breakpoints or checking variable values ​​while executing code.

Overall, logging is a powerful tool for debugging JavaScript. It allows developers to trace the code step by step and quickly identify problem areas. It is therefore an indispensable part of the debugging process.

Set breakpoints and perform step-by-step debugging

When it comes to doing effective debugging in JavaScript, setting breakpoints and performing step-by-step debugging is an extremely useful technique. Using browser development tools, developers can set breakpoints at specific points in the code to interrupt the flow of the program and check the health of the code.

Once a breakpoint has been set, you can begin step-by-step debugging. This allows one to execute the code line by line while keeping track of the values ​​of the variables. You can work through the code step by step and determine where an error might occur or where unexpected results occur.
Various options are available during step-by-step debugging. You can execute each individual command and observe the effects. It is also possible to check variable values ​​during execution or set special conditions to examine specific branches in the code history.
This method of debugging allows developers to pinpoint errors precisely and identify problems more quickly. By specifically checking each individual step, you gain valuable information about how the code works and which variable values ​​occur.

Setting breakpoints and performing step-by-step debugging are therefore essential techniques for effectively finding and fixing errors in JavaScript programs.

Checking variable values ​​during execution

Checking variable values ​​during execution is an essential skill when debugging in JavaScript. It allows developers to monitor the value of a variable and ensure that it has the expected or correct value.

There are several ways to check variable values ​​during execution. One option is to use the console in the browser development tool. By using `console.log()` and passing the name of the variable as an argument, you can see its current value in the console. For example:

let number = 10;
console.log(number); // prints 10 to the console
“` `

Another option is to set breakpoints in the code and check the values ​​of variables during debugging. When a breakpoint is reached, the execution of the code stops at that point and you can analyze the current state of the program.
Developers can also use watchpoints to set specific Parameter to be constantly monitored. With a watchpoint you can specify that a notification is issued every time the value of a certain variable changes or reaches a certain state.

Checking variable values ​​during execution is an important step in troubleshooting JavaScript applications. It helps ensure that the values ​​are assigned correctly and that Program works as expected. Through careful checking, possible sources of error can be quickly identified and eliminated.

Error handling and catching exceptions

Error handling is an essential part of debugging in JavaScript. It allows us to catch errors that occur and respond appropriately. A common method for Error handling is to use try-catch blocks.

A try-catch block allows us to write potentially error-prone code into the try block and continue executing the code. If an error occurs during execution, it is caught in the catch block and can be handled there.
Different types of errors can occur in JavaScript, such as syntax errors or runtime errors. Catching exceptions allows us to prevent such errors from crashing our application or causing unwanted side effects.
It is important to specify specific exception conditions and take appropriate action. This allows us to react specifically to certain types of errors and implement an appropriate solution.
JavaScript also allows us to create our own Error objects, which help us provide more complex and detailed error messages. This makes debugging easier and allows us to get to the root of an error more quickly.

Correct error handling and exception catching are crucial for stable and robust applications in JavaScript. By using these techniques, we can proactively address potential problems and keep our code bug-free.

Use of code analysis tools

Another helpful approach for effective debugging in JavaScript is to use code analysis tools. These tools check your Code for potential errors, style guidelines and other issues before running it.

ESLint is one of the most popular code analysis tools for JavaScript. It allows you to set custom rules and check your code accordingly. ESLint can detect unused variables, display missing semicolons, and find many other potential errors.
By integrating ESLint into your development environment, you can identify errors as you write your code. If a problem is found, that shows tool a warning or error so you can fix it immediately.
ESLint not only allows you to identify errors, but also provides automatic corrections for some types of these errors. This simplifies the debugging process and can improve the overall quality of your code.
There are also other powerful code analysis tools such as JSLint and JSHint that provide similar functionality. Choosing the right analysis tool depends on the needs of your project.

By using code analysis tools, you can identify possible errors in your JavaScript code at an early stage and thereby significantly reduce the effort required for debugging. By doing one of these tool integrate it into your project, you guarantee that your code is error-free and meets the highest quality standards.

Best practices for effective debugging in JavaScript

JavaScript development can sometimes be challenging, especially when it comes to finding and fixing errors. However, debugging is an essential part of the development process that helps create robust and error-free applications. Here are some best practices for effective debugging in JavaScript.

First of all, it is important to use the browser's development tools. Modern browsers like Google Chrome has powerful tools like the »Chrome Developer Tools«, which developers can use to find errors more easily. These tools provide features such as checking network requests that Analysis the DOM tree and much more.
Another important approach is to use logging for troubleshooting. With the `console log` command allows you to output messages or variable values ​​in the console window to check the health of your application. This simple one tool allows you to isolate specific sections of your code and quickly identify potential problems.
Setting breakpoints when debugging is also extremely useful. By placing a breakpoint at a specific location in the code, you can stop the flow of execution and step through your code. This gives you a more detailed insight into the execution of your program and allows you to better locate possible sources of errors.

While running your application, you should also check the values ​​of variables. This can be done using the browser command prompt. When you enter the name of a variable in the command prompt, you get its current value. This is a useful method to avoid processing errors data a DAK Bungalow.

Finally, it's helpful to use good code documentation. By using commented code blocks, you make it easier for yourself and other developers to read and debug code. It is also advisable to use carefully considered and precisely named variable, function and parameter names. This can make working with the code much easier and help identify possible sources of errors more quickly.

Common errors and how to fix them

Common errors can occur when debugging JavaScript and affect the effectiveness of development. However, it is important to know how to identify and fix these errors to ensure the code runs smoothly.

A pair of common error consists of incorrectly initializing variables or assigning them incorrect values. This may result in the code not working as expected. To resolve this error, you should verify that the initialization occurred correctly and that the correct values ​​were assigned.
An all-too-easily overlooked programming mistake is forgetting a semicolon at the end of each line. If this step is not followed, it may lead to unforeseen results. Therefore, it is advisable to always remember to write a semicolon at the end of each line.
Mistakes when using loops are also common. For example, an infinite loop could be created or a loop condition could be incorrect. The solution is to ensure that loop conditions are properly defined and appropriate output statements are placed to trace the program flow.

One of the most common beginner debugging mistakes is not maintaining consistent code formatting. Clean formatting makes the code easier to read and makes it easier to identify potential problems.

There are many other possible sources of errors in JavaScript code: use undefined variables; functions not called correctly; Syntax errors in operating instructions; and invalid data entries. By being aware of the types of errors that can occur and how to fix them, you can more easily identify and resolve potential problems.

Common debugging problems and their solutions

When debugging JavaScript code, various issues can arise that need to be identified and resolved. Here are some common problems and their possible solutions:

1. Syntax error: A common problem is an error in the syntax of the code, which can cause the program to not work properly or not run at all. To find such errors, it is important to carefully check the code for typos or missing parentheses or semicolons.

2. Logic error: Another common problem is logic errors in code. This could mean that a condition was specified incorrectly or a loop is not going through as expected. To find such errors, you can use console output or set breakpoints and step through the code.

3. Variable problems: Sometimes problems arise with variables, for example if they are declared incorrectly or contain an unexpected value. In such cases, you should ensure that the variables are initialized correctly and check their values ​​during execution.

4. Performance issues: If your JavaScript code runs slowly or causes lag, this may be an indication of inefficient code. Check your code for unnecessary loops or other areas of high resource consumption optimize them accordingly.

5. Browser Compatibility: A further problem is the compatibility of the code with different browsers. You can do this by testing your code in different browsers and ensuring that it works correctly everywhere.

Tips for efficiently finding errors in JavaScript

Debugging can be a time-consuming and frustrating task, especially when it comes to complex JavaScript code bases. Here are some useful ones Suggestions, which can help you find and fix errors efficiently.

1. Use developer tools: Modern browsers like Chrome offer powerful development tools that make it easier to spot errors. By opening the Inspector element, you can examine the running code and look for possible problems.

2. Set breakpoints: Breakpoints allow you to pause the code at specific points and navigate through it step by step. This gives you insights into the status of the variables and allows you to identify potential sources of error.

3. Use logging: The logging concept is a proven approach to identifying errors in code. By adding console output at different points in the program flow, you can obtain information about the state of the variable or possible exceptions.

4. Monitoring variable values: Watchpoints allow you to check specific variables during execution and analyze their current value. This feature is particularly helpful with... Search for unexpected values ​​or incorrect assignments.

5. Handling Errors: To catch unforeseen exceptions, try-catch blocks should be used. This allows you to avoid any problems that have occurred Treat errors and avoid possible side effects.

6. Write unit tests: A good testing strategy can help improve the quality of the code and detect errors early. By writing automated tests, you can ensure that the code works correctly and produces the desired results.

Introduction to debugging in JavaScript

Debugging is an essential part of developing software, including JavaScript. Debugging is about identifying and fixing errors and problems in code. It allows developers to improve their applications and ensure that they function smoothly.

Debugging in JavaScript can be challenging because the Language is dynamically typed and offers many opportunities for errors. Fortunately, we have various tools at our disposal to carry out this process effectively.
A popular tool is Chrome Developer Tools. With this, developers can execute the code step by step, set breakpoints and check variable values. The Chrome Developer Tools also provides a powerful console for logging information as code executes.
Another useful technique when debugging is to use try-catch blocks for error handling. Catching exceptions allows developers to isolate specific parts of their code and identify possible sources of errors.

Using code analysis tools like ESLint, you can identify potential problems in your code early and establish best practices for your development team. This way you can not only improve the quality of the code, but also the Performance and improve the reliability of your application.

Overall, debugging in JavaScript requires patience and systematic thinking skills. By familiarizing yourself with the various techniques and applying best practices, you will become better at successfully detecting bugs and keeping your Javascript applications running smoothly.

Using the Chrome Developer Tool

The Chrome Developer Tools is a powerful tool that helps developers troubleshoot and optimize JavaScript code. It offers various features that make the debugging process easier.

One of the most useful features of the Chrome Developer Tool is setting breakpoints. By placing a breakpoint at specific points in the code, developers can stop the flow of execution and navigate through the code step by step. This allows them to check variable values ​​and identify potential sources of error.
The Chrome Developer Tools Console feature is another powerful troubleshooting tool. Developers can use the Console to output log messages while executing their code. This allows them to log important information and understand what is happening in their code.
Chrome's Developer Tools lets you literally step through code to troubleshoot errors. Variable values ​​can be inspected so you can see exactly how the code behaves and where problems might arise. This is a great way to track down and fix broken code.
In addition to this, the tool also supports watchpoints – a feature to monitor specific variables or objects during code execution. This makes it easy to detect and analyze changes to these values.

JavaScript debugging would not be possible without Chrome Developer Tools. It provides developers with a comprehensive set of features to easily identify errors and optimize code. Effective debugging is possible with the Chrome Developer Tools.

Setting up breakpoints in Chrome

Setting up breakpoints is an effective way to find and fix errors in JavaScript code. With the Chrome browser developer tools, you can easily set breakpoints and step through your -- navigate.

To set up a breakpoint, open the developer tools in the Chrome browser (F12 or right click ⇨ Examine) and switch to the tab »Source code«. Find the line of your code where you want to set the breakpoint, then click on it left side of this line. This will display a red dot that marks the breakpoint that has been set.
Once a breakpoint is set, your code will pause at that point when executed. This allows you to check variable values ​​and analyze the state of your program. Use the controls at the top of the Code tab to navigate your code: forward, backward, and single-step execution are available.
Using breakpoints can be particularly useful when certain parts of your code do not work as expected or when certain conditions need to be met. By specifically setting breakpoints, you can examine these areas in isolation and identify possible sources of error.

In summary, setting up breakpoints in Chrome is a great way to effectively debug JavaScript. It allows you to specifically examine your code and find errors.

Using the Console for Logging

An effective method for troubleshooting errors in JavaScript is to Console to be used as a logging tool. The console is a powerful tool that allows developers to display messages and information during the execution process.

The console can be used to print variable values ​​to ensure they have the expected value. This is particularly useful for complex applications with many variables and objects. By adding console output at various points in the code, one can track the flow of execution and identify potential problems.
Another advantage of using the console for logging is that it also displays error messages. When a Skript If there is an error, a corresponding message is displayed in the console. This makes troubleshooting easier and solutions can be found quickly.
Using console.log () is a common method for logging data in JavaScript applications. You simply specify the value to be logged as an argument to console.log() and this is then output to the console. It is also possible to log multiple values ​​at the same time or output formatted strings.

Using the console for logging provides a simple means to monitor program flow and detect errors or unexpected behavior. It allows developers to debug and debug their programs more efficiently optimize.

Using console.log for detailed logging

Using console.log, for detailed logging, is one of the most effective techniques when debugging JavaScript. With this function you can Developer important Display information about the state of your code and the values ​​of variables during execution.

Um console log To use it, you simply have to pass the desired value or message as an argument to the function. This will then be displayed in the console area of ​​the browser. You can log both simple text messages and complex objects or arrays.
A major advantage of console.log is that it can be used throughout the code flow to monitor various aspects of an application. It allows developers to check and track critical variable values ​​at specific points in the program flow.
With console.log it is also possible to modify the messages by changing the format. This can be done, among other things, by inserting character strings or numeric values ​​using placeholders such as %s for strings and %d for numbers should be used.
By using console.log specifically, developers can quickly identify and isolate errors and identify potential problems early. It is an indispensable tool when developing complex JavaScript applications and should be part of every toolset.

console.log can greatly simplify debugging by helping developers obtain comprehensive information about the program flow and state of their applications. In this way, errors can be fixed more quickly and development efficiency can be increased.

Step-by-step debugging in Chrome

Step-by-step debugging in Chrome is an extremely useful technique for finding and fixing errors in JavaScript code. Chrome's developer tools allow you to run the code step by step and review each step.

To use step-by-step debugging in Chrome, you must first set a breakpoint. A breakpoint is a place in the code where execution of the program stops. You can set breakpoints either by clicking on the line number in the source code or by adding the command »debugger« put directly into your code.
Once a breakpoint is set, simply start your application and it will stop at that point. From there you can use the controls in the developer tools (like Step over, Step Into and Step out) track every single step.
During debugging, you have access to various information such as variable values ​​and object properties. This information allows you to closely examine the state of your application while it is running.
Chrome also allows you to set watchpoints. These specific points in the code help monitor specific variables. If the value of a monitored variable changes, this will be displayed immediately.

Step-by-Write Debugging in Chrome is a very powerful technique that allows you to quickly and efficiently find and fix errors in your code. With the right one Instructions and a little practice can help you significantly improve the quality of your JavaScript applications.

How to use watchpoints in Chrome

Another useful feature of the Chrome Developer Tool is the use of watchpoints. Watchpoints allow you to keep an eye on specific variables and monitor whether their values ​​change during execution. This can be particularly useful for figuring out where and why unexpected behavior is occurring in your JavaScript code.

To set a watchpoint, open the »Sources« panel in Chrome Developer Tools and navigate to the file that contains the code you want. Then right-click on the line number next to the variable and select »Add watch«. This creates a watchlist in which all set watchpoints are displayed.
Once a watchpoint is activated, the program will automatically stop if the value of the monitored variable changes. This allows you to check the current state of your variables and identify potential problems or errors.
It is important to note that using watchpoints is not intended to step through the entire code. Instead, it should be used specifically to monitor specific variables or areas of the code.

Watchpoints provide an efficient way to monitor variable changes as your code runs. This feature helps you find and fix possible errors while improving your debugging experience. In other words, it is an invaluable tool for software developers.

Use of try-catch blocks for error handling

Using try-catch blocks is an important technique for error handling in JavaScript. A try-catch block allows us to secure potentially incorrect sections of code and respond to possible exceptions.
The Try part of the block encloses the code to be monitored. When an error occurs, control is passed to the catch part, which handles the corresponding error. This allows us to write more robust and fault-tolerant programs.

An example of using a try-catch block might look like this:

try {
// Potentially bad code
const result = someFunction();
} catch (error) {
// Handling the error
console.log('An error occurred: ', error);
“` `

This example attempts to execute the `someFunction()` function. If an error occurs, the error handler in the catch block is executed and a corresponding message with the error details is printed in the console.
Using try-catch blocks is particularly useful when working with external resources such as files or network requests, as well as asynchronous JavaScript. They not only allow us to catch errors at runtime, but also to actively react to them and adapt the program flow depending on the situation.

It is important to note that one should be aware of the types of errors that can occur and how best to handle them. Catch blocks should be as specific as possible and only handle those errors that really need to be handled. Otherwise it may result in unexpected behavior.

Using code analysis tools such as ESLint

Code analysis tools are an essential tool for developers to ensure quality standards and best practices in their JavaScript code. A popular option is the ESLint tool, which provides a static Analysis of the code and point out potential errors or poor coding practices.

ESLint is a great tool to optimize your code and ensure compliance with best programming practices. It integrates seamlessly with your development tool and offers multiple configuration options to suit your needs. The ability to create custom rules also makes it easy to spot problematic patterns and achieve impressive results.
A big advantage of using code analysis tools is that they can identify potential errors during development. This helps you catch possible bugs early and avoid costly fixes in later stages of the project.
ESLint also offers automated fixes based on its rule sets. This allows many simple errors to be corrected automatically, saving time and simplifying the workflow.

By using code analysis tools like ESLint, you can ensure that your JavaScript code follows best practices and is free of known errors. It is an effective tool for improving the quality of your software projects and increasing the efficiency of your development work.

Best practices for user-friendly debugging

When developing JavaScript applications, debugging is an essential part of the process. It helps developers find bugs and fix them efficiently. To make the debugging process as user-friendly as possible, there are some best practices you can follow.

First of all, it's important to use consistent naming conventions for your variables and functions. This will create the code easier to read and understand. Also avoid complex nesting or unnecessarily long functions, as this can make troubleshooting difficult.
Another important aspect is commenting your code. Careful commenting helps other developers understand your code better and identify possible sources of errors more quickly.
It is also advisable to regularly perform versioning in your project. This allows you to track changes and revert to previous versions if necessary.

Another best practice is to write test cases or unit tests for your code. This allows you to ensure that your code works correctly and identify potential errors early.

Finally, you should always stay informed about current tools and techniques to continually improve your debugging experience. There are many useful resources online as well as communities of developers to share Tips and Tricks.

By following these best practices, you can streamline the JavaScript debugging process and troubleshoot more effectively.

Examples of common JavaScript errors

Examples of common JavaScript errors can become a frustrating challenge when developing web applications. However, it is important to understand that every developer has made these mistakes and they are part of the learning process. Here are some examples of common JavaScript errors to watch out for:

A typical mistake is to use a variable without first declaring or initializing it. This can lead to errors like »Uncaught ReferenceError« and prevents your code from working properly.

Another common source of error lies in the incorrect use of functions. For example, a syntax error might occur when using parentheses or semicolons, causing the function to not execute as expected.

The inaccurate typing can also lead to errors. For example, trying to add a string containing a numeric value can cause JavaScript to concatenate the string instead of adding it mathematically.

Problems with the scope can also occur frequently. If variables are used outside of their scope or there are naming conflicts, this can result in unintentional overwriting of values ​​and erroneous behavior.

Finally, poor error handling and exceptions can also be common problems. Lack of a try-catch block around potentially problematic code can cause your application to crash or behave unexpectedly.

By choosing the most common Becoming aware of JavaScript errors can help you better understand why some of your code isn't working and how to fix those errors.

Solutions to common JavaScript errors

When developing JavaScript applications, it is not uncommon to encounter errors. These errors can manifest themselves in various forms and manifestations and debugging them can be time-consuming. Fortunately, there are solutions to some of the most common JavaScript errors that developers often encounter.

A common mistake is that »undefined« Problem. This occurs when a variable or property has the value »undefined" has. To solve this problem, one should ensure that all variables are properly initialized and there are no unintentional assignments of »undefined" appear.
Another typical problem is the use of undefined functions or methods. It helps to ensure that all functions used are actually defined and are called correctly.
Sometimes problems with the scope of variables also occur. In such cases, you should check whether your variables are declared locally or globally and whether they are used within the correct context.
Another common error involves loops and iterations. It can happen that loops run endlessly or end prematurely. A possible solution is to ensure that the termination condition is correctly configured and any increment statements are correctly placed.

Finally, syntax errors can cause JavaScript code to not work as expected. Using code analysis tools like ESLint can help avoid such errors. This software allows developers to scan their code to identify syntax errors and make appropriate changes.

How to troubleshoot errors in JavaScript

Debugging is a crucial step in JavaScript application development because it helps find and fix errors. A systematic approach can help you search for errors more efficiently and resolve them more quickly.

First of all, it is important Thoroughly review code. By carefully examining the code, possible sources of errors can be identified. It's helpful to focus on specific areas of the code and analyze them individually.

Another important step is to... Debugging tool of your choice to be used effectively. The Chrome Developer Tool provides a variety of features to help troubleshoot JavaScript applications. You can set breakpoints to stop the code at a specific point and check variable values ​​during execution.

Logging can also serve as an effective troubleshooting tool. By placing targeted logging instructions at strategic locations in the -- place, you can obtain information about the progress of the program and identify potential problem areas.

Try-catch blocks provide an excellent way to catch and handle possible exception cases. Not only do they allow you to provide relevant error messages to users, but they can also help protect critical parts of your code from failure.

Finally, you should also use code analysis tools like ESLint. These tools help you identify potential problems when writing and debugging JavaScript code. You can also get alerts and Suggestions for better code quality.


In this article, we learned a variety of tips and tricks for effective debugging in JavaScript. From using the browser development tools like the Chrome Developer Tool to setting breakpoints and performing step-by-step debugging to checking variable values ​​during execution, all these techniques can help us avoid errors in our JavaScript. Find and fix code.
We realized how important logging is for troubleshooting. console.log is a very powerful tool here to get precise insights into the behavior of the code. Try-catch blocks allow us to catch errors and respond to them appropriately. By doing this we improve our application and make it as stable as possible.
Using code analysis tools like ESLint can also be very helpful in identifying potential problems early and reviewing our code for best practices.

Finally, we would like to recommend some best practices for user-friendly debugging. We should be aware that there are common JavaScript errors that we might encounter. By focusing our attention on these problems and knowing how to solve them, we are better prepared.

When troubleshooting, it's important to be systematic and gradually review different parts of our code. It is advisable to take a close look at not only the code itself, but also external ones Resources or to keep an eye on dependencies.

In summary, debugging in JavaScript is an indispensable part of the development process and there are a number of techniques we can use to make the process as efficient as possible. important!

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Jan Domke

Prompt Engineer | Social Media Manager | Hosting Manager | Web administrator

I have been running the online magazine privately since the end of 2021 SEO4Business and thus turned my job into a hobby.
I have been working as a since 2019 Senior Hosting Manager, at one of the largest internet and marketing agencies in Germany and am constantly expanding my horizons.

Jan Domke